Riverside Avondale Preservation is excited to announce an open call for artwork to represent the upcoming Yarden Tour, a celebration of the lush gardens in the historic Riverside Avondale neighborhood. This annual event attracts garden enthusiasts, plant lovers, and community members to explore the beauty of Riverside Avondale’s private gardens, and we are looking for an original, captivating piece of art to capture the essence of this vibrant event.

We are seeking an artist to create a bold, visually appealing design that embodies the spirit of the Yarden Tour. Artists are invited to submit a sketch with examples of your own work featuring the style and technique you plan to use for the final design. The winning artwork will reflect the beauty of gardens & nature.

Past years examples:

SKETCH DEADLINE: February 17, 2025

WINNER NOTIFIED: February 20, 2025



Submit entry to info@riversideavondale.org

The Yarden Tour Committee will select the winner. Final artwork will become the poster and should be able to adapt for newspaper ads, social media images, signage and more, and should contain the artists signature.